
JD Vance's racist mentor, Curtis Yarvin, says rich elites should be in absolute control of everything.

"People who are not landowners & do not have a ton of money should be seen as the equivalent of slaves".

Black people, says Yarvin, are genetically predisposed to make good slaves.

These power-driven adolescent tech bros are woefully but arrogantly uneducated about humanity.


#USPol #Racism #TrumpVance #Project2025 ..

we ought to take every last one of these rich oligarchs and put them to work in a fucking underground coal mine for a few months. Let them actually learn what doing real work consists of.

Then see how they like it when we tell them they are not deserving of any pay for the work they did... that they are "genetically predispositioned for slavery"
I don't know much about Elon musk, but I just hate his smug fucking face 😒
he's an ass, a lying, grifting con man
Well, then I guess he looks like it too! In this case you really can judge a book by it's ugly cover, lol
if you really want to learn what a piece of shit he is, there's a guy on YouTube called thunderf00t who makes scientific debunking videos and he has made a ton of really good ones debunking everything about Musk and all his lies.