Australian Lamb does yoks about cancelling everyfknthing
and a look at some older Australian Lamb ads :))
(my fave is the boat people one. this one this one this one this one )

#unAustralian #meat #humour #humor #LOLs #yoks

YouTube: Un-Australia: Australian Lamb film (Australian Lamb)

I don't know why, but it makes me feel like the movie is a related to the matrix, The disappearing of the people reminds me of the moments when the plug is pulled out.
@zulu not to boast but we're pretty good at it XD
just a few Kiwis we've claimed "but they're from NZ" "ours now." Reminds me of a Shire around here, which i reckon was formed during colonisation - Moyne. "that's moyne and that's moyne; that river, the valley and that tree there? moyne. and that hill - also moyne" :))

@Shawn Andrew the brothers Finn - amazingly talented aussies who worked hard at their craft to great succes. "But they're from NZ" "AHEM" it'd be neat if the disappeared matrix folk were seen to ask "How do we get back" "Why would you want to?" ;)
I'm willing to turn a deaf ear to the crushed, mangled syllables for this rock band if you are.

@Shawn Andrew XD they were a sex-piss band too, which oz may have misinterpreted; the two brothers Finn, Eddie Raynor, Noel Crombie, Malcolm Green and Nigel Griggs formed the last lineup.
oh no..i hope i didn't disappear @Rasmus Fuhse!
Oh, I also hope that. Did you disappear, Clarice?