Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m interested in #80s, #dog, #goth, #metal, #motorbike, and #tattoo.

I used to be on, any of you orkerz out there?

I hadn't been on the D* for a while, and when I wanted to log in again today, everything was gone... the whole pod including of course, my posts and my friends as well :'( this made me very sad...
I hope to find my old buddies back and make some new friends as well.
People used to know me there as Rupsje and/ or Lilith.

*waves sadly
Welcome back. I looked sometimes but just noticed the profile picture was gone. This is a strange aspect of diaspora, as your posts were still present on my pod, everything looked normal. So I could send you your own posts now, if you miss something. :-)
Welcome back.
Thank you @Adam Hunt
Merci @Miguela
@Christian Bredlow 🌿 Thanks! That IS strange...
and I'm not sure that's according to the right to be forgotten or is that only a law in the Netherlands? Because this way I can no longer choose to delete my content but it still is available to others...?
I would like to see my posts but I can no longer see them, not even from this new account.
Thank you! @Felix Tiede and
I think it's more like a cache memory,, so that my pod doesn't have to load everything from your (old) pod every time I look at your page. I suppose it will disappear after some time. Some pictures are already gone.

But I don't know how to send you my screen. I put it in a pdf and uploaded here: so you can read at least the texts. When you got it I can delete again.
Welcome back ✨
Ah yes @Christian Bredlow 🌿 the cache thing makes sense.
Thanks! that's quite a file!
I have found the account too now and I can reshare the old content even..

Thanks @Passagier, @0mega and !
You mean that the old orkz pod is no more @Anders Rytter Hansen? yes that is sad indeed... But I can understand in this setting that not all pods last forever. Looking back on the account, it's not the content that I shared that I miss, but the people I met there. And those I can still find back! :) so not all is lost ;)
Thank you!
Jakobu diaspora
Hey... my orkz-profile was suddenly gone too :)
If I remember correctly the admins of announced the closure by January 15 some time in December. For those not regularly visiting the pod obviously that time span was too short.

WELCOME to your new home!