Mastodon gained 70,000 users after Musk’s Twitter takeover. I joined them | Social media | The Guardian

#socialmedia #Twitter #Mastodon #networking #transgender #LGBTQ #queer #Trump #left-wing #right-wing #decentralization #ElonMusk
Mastodon was already full of the far far left in the first place; no one cares...
Like a lot of their sexual preferences borders on mental illness and criminality and indicates very sadistic childhood environments that have me often wondering where were the parents (and if they were around where were the authorities?)
Cool... Raping kids is illegal and fucked up... I don't support it...
Mastodon community is ok with it and you are too...
Great... Keep up all this "fighting for justice" bullshit and see how it works out for you... Paedophilia is not a sexuality no matter how much you want to normalise it...

Cutting off one's dick or having one sewn on is not a new gender either...
Having a mental illness that makes one believe they are of multiple genders also isn't a gender; its a mental illness that needs medical attention...
These are basic rules of biology, but you wouldn't know anything about that right?
Also the most well rounded citizens come from conservative backgrounds where hard work, intelligence, braveness, manliness, womanhood, etc are still valued as God intended. The weakest people I've seen come from American "liberal" regions and then they wonder why they end up in such shit situations in society lol

Its a never ending pattern...
Americans are fucking weird dude...
Keep your gross shit there and away from the rest of the world ok?
Cost of living in "liberal regions" is higher than conservative regions by whose measure? Lmfao...

I won't even go into statistical data, but the wealthiest areas are conservative and have the highest taxes. The poorest are "liberal regions" where taxes are lower than anywhere else. This is pretty commonly known as well which is why you see people going over county lines to make large purchases (wealthy Republicans visit poorer more Democratic regions for tax breaks all the time.)

As far as taking jobs and whatnot no one really cares because people raised in "liberal regions" general don't have the education to take jobs from the normal people in society who were afforded a good education.

And, no I've learned enough about the far left: you're all abusive, liars, narcissistic, power-tripping, authority seeking, communist fuck heads who think its ok to fuck kids and burn down countries if it so pleases you... I need to know no more...

American "liberals" are terrorists with severe mental issues; they are not a political party/group and they do not represent actual liberalism in any way, shape, or form!
No one said you were; I said I've met plenty who hide on Mastodon as such from the world and they are treated very nicely by people like you. I'm not spreading propaganda; go on fucking Mastodon ffs and hush it with your dumb shit.

I don't care if you block me; it doesn't matter to me at all. You deny facts!

Cities are absolutely NOT the most expensive areas!
It costs $350 to live on the Eastside of the city I am currently in in the USA, but in the West suburbs it costs $1000 for a similar apartment. The cost of travel to get affordable food on a budget is higher because all grocers cater to the wealthy, so if you can't afford $4.59 for eggs and $3.89 for a gallon of milk then you better stock up after fuelling up at the outrageously inflated price of $4.29/gallon. The taxes in those suburbs is three times as high as well which adds to the cost of living further, but yes you are right about cities costing sooooo much more! Lol
Unless you live in luxury in a city the cost is less and I don't want to hear otherwise because I have known people ranging from millionaires to people in absolute poverty living in the city. City life is cheaper and has more amenities, but the crime is much higher and the education system is shot so its a bad choice for families.

Fun though when you really don't care if you live or die and enjoy the excitement lol
Lmfao, you've completely twisted my words...
Fuck you... I'm not entertaining you anymore you fucking loser xD

Hope you go die and spare the rest of us...
You're a waste of resources...