SBS butchered my movie, and there’s nothing I can do about it ~ opinion piece by director/writer Julia Leigh (SMH )
"With the change in government the barbarians have left the building. Let’s now restore integrity to the broadcaster."
#Australia #movies #broadcasting
I haven't had a TV in years. Whenever I'm watching a program in a doctor's surgery, it's so annoying that you're focused on what's happening and then.... da da commercial break.
Thank goodness books don't need them.
i luh-hu-huv the many channels available now, having given up on most of the free-to-air five of oz, three of them utter shite. So much info! So many different views, interests and perspective from different countries! Streaming TV is pretty bloody good (and default with my phone/net package - 10 ozbucks extra a month for Netflix, with ads). i cant say offhand which have ads and which dont, but do think we could get back to ye olde ad-free SBS, for sure.
'Don't tell mom the babysitter's dead' :

@Shawn Andrew haha! lack of varied input and beige walls moreso ;) i like the streaming thing - one can be like a real grownup and select what goes into one's eyes, ears and mind.