
#Defense -

Opinion: AI complacency is compromising Western defense

While #Russian, #Chinese, and #Iranian drones are easy to destroy using existing Western systems, the costs are prohibitive – ranging from $100,000 to $3 million per target. This unsustainable ratio is the result of decades of complacency and bureaucratic inefficiency.

No legacy Western contractor produces a cost-competitive anti-drone system – though several U.S. and Ukrainian startups are developing them now.

#Defense #drones #AirDefense #Anti-Drone #Ukraine

Opinion: AI complacency is compromising Western defense

While #Russian, #Chinese, and #Iranian drones are easy to destroy using existing Western systems, the costs are prohibitive – ranging from $100,000 to $3 million per target. This unsustainable ratio is the result of decades of complacency and bureaucratic inefficiency.

No legacy Western contractor produces a cost-competitive anti-drone system – though several U.S. and Ukrainian startups are developing them now.

#Defense #drones #AirDefense #Anti-Drone #Ukraine

DEMONSTRATION in front of Scholz office !

Free the Leopards!
When: 20.01.23, 17:00
Where: Berlin, Chancellor's Office
Every day that passes is a day on which people die; tragedies that could have been prevented. No more delays – join our demo, Ukraine needs Leopards!
#scholz #Ukrainekrieg #ukraine
#humanrights #foreignpolicy

@humanrightswatch #defense
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