
#security -

He that waits upon Fortune, is never sure of a Dinner.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American statesman, scientist, philosopher, aphorist
Poor Richard (1734 ed.)

#quote #quotes #quotation #expectations #fate #fortune #presumption #security #waiting #inaction #passivity
Sourcing / notes:
Poor Richard (1734 ed.)
He that waits upon Fortune, is never sure of a Dinner.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American statesman, scientist, philosopher, aphorist
Poor Richard (1734 ed.)

#quote #quotes #quotation #expectations #fate #fortune #presumption #security #waiting #inaction #passivity
Sourcing / notes:
Poor Richard (1734 ed.)

Smartphones With Popular #Qualcomm Chip Secretly Share Private Information With US Chip-Maker

Investigating this further we can see that the packages are sent via the HTTP protocol and are not encrypted using HTTPS, SSL or TLS. That means that anyone else on the network, including hackers, #government agencies, network administrators, telecom operators, local and foreign can easily spy on us by collecting this data, store them, and establish a record history using the phone’s unique ID and serial number Qualcomm is sending over to their mysteriously called Izat Cloud.
#privacy #security #surveillance #tracking #problem #internet #firmware #fail #software #economy #news

Smartphones With Popular #Qualcomm Chip Secretly Share Private Information With US Chip-Maker

Investigating this further we can see that the packages are sent via the HTTP protocol and are not encrypted using HTTPS, SSL or TLS. That means that anyone else on the network, including hackers, #government agencies, network administrators, telecom operators, local and foreign can easily spy on us by collecting this data, store them, and establish a record history using the phone’s unique ID and serial number Qualcomm is sending over to their mysteriously called Izat Cloud.
#privacy #security #surveillance #tracking #problem #internet #firmware #fail #software #economy #news
#us #security #leaks

FBI arrests 21-year-old Air Force guardsman in Pentagon leak case
*A guy with the mentality of a 12 years old- who has access to US top secret, National Security documents.
Air Force officers in command should be fired.*

American Expression
’What are you? 12?"

Basically when you say or do something very childish. “Are you 12?”. It's to say that you’re behaving like a a child.
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