
#RussiaInvadedUkraine -

Moldovan Parliament declares Russia's policies toward Ukraine as #genocide

"By this resolution, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova declares that the denial of the existence of the Ukrainian nation, as well as all inhumane policies pursued by the Russian Federation against the children of Ukraine, fall under the definition of genocide, by the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide," Deputy Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament Doina Gherman said.

#WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #UkrainianChildren #StandWithUkraine

Moldovan Parliament declares Russia's policies toward Ukraine as #genocide

"By this resolution, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova declares that the denial of the existence of the Ukrainian nation, as well as all inhumane policies pursued by the Russian Federation against the children of Ukraine, fall under the definition of genocide, by the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide," Deputy Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament Doina Gherman said.

#WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #UkrainianChildren #StandWithUkraine

Naval drones destroyed 2 Russian patrol boats in occupied Crimea, military intelligence says

Naval drones operated by Ukraine's military intelligence (HUR) hit two Russian patrol boats, likely the KS-701 Tunets (Tuna) model, in occupied Crimea overnight on May 30, a source in the agency told the Kyiv Independent.

The military intelligence agency publicly confirmed the statement soon after, publishing a video of the attack and saying that the two vessels had been destroyed.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #SeaDrones #BlackSeaFleet #BlackSea #Crimea #sunk #StandWithUkraine

Naval drones destroyed 2 Russian patrol boats in occupied Crimea, military intelligence says

Naval drones operated by Ukraine's military intelligence (HUR) hit two Russian patrol boats, likely the KS-701 Tunets (Tuna) model, in occupied Crimea overnight on May 30, a source in the agency told the Kyiv Independent.

The military intelligence agency publicly confirmed the statement soon after, publishing a video of the attack and saying that the two vessels had been destroyed.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #SeaDrones #BlackSeaFleet #BlackSea #Crimea #sunk #StandWithUkraine

Ukraine can use our F-16s to strike Russian territory, Danish foreign minister says

"We are talking about an opportunity to weaken the aggressor by taking _military installations out onto Russian territory_."

"It is completely within the rules of war that a country that is attacked must be able to answer for itself," Rasmussen said.

"There is also no Ukrainian interest in taking over the kind of warfare you have from the Russian side, where you go after residential properties," referring to Russia's indiscriminate attacks on civilians.

#WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression #CiviliansTargeted #StandWithUkraine #F16s

Ukraine can use our F-16s to strike Russian territory, Danish foreign minister says

"We are talking about an opportunity to weaken the aggressor by taking _military installations out onto Russian territory_."

"It is completely within the rules of war that a country that is attacked must be able to answer for itself," Rasmussen said.

"There is also no Ukrainian interest in taking over the kind of warfare you have from the Russian side, where you go after residential properties," referring to Russia's indiscriminate attacks on civilians.

#WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression #CiviliansTargeted #StandWithUkraine #F16s

Around 100 civilians remain in Vovchansk, Russians have threatened to shoot them

Around 100 Ukrainian civilians remain in the embattled town of Vovchansk, but Russian forces refuse to allow them to leave and have threatened to shoot them, Kharkiv Oblast Governor Oleh Syniehubov said on state television on May 21.

Syniehubov said on May 20 that more than 10,500 civilians had been evacuated from Kharkiv Oblast amid the renewed Russian onslaught.

The governor said on May 21 that those who remained in Vovchansk would be evacuated at the soonest possible opportunity but that 100 civilians had been effectively "taken #hostage" by Russian troops and could not leave.

#terrorism #WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine #Civilians

Around 100 civilians remain in Vovchansk, Russians have threatened to shoot them

Around 100 Ukrainian civilians remain in the embattled town of Vovchansk, but Russian forces refuse to allow them to leave and have threatened to shoot them, Kharkiv Oblast Governor Oleh Syniehubov said on state television on May 21.

Syniehubov said on May 20 that more than 10,500 civilians had been evacuated from Kharkiv Oblast amid the renewed Russian onslaught.

The governor said on May 21 that those who remained in Vovchansk would be evacuated at the soonest possible opportunity but that 100 civilians had been effectively "taken #hostage" by Russian troops and could not leave.

#terrorism #WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine #Civilians

UPDATED: Russian 'double-tap' terrorism strike north of Kharkiv kills 7, including pregnant woman

Russian troops attacked a recreation center in a northern suburb of Kharkiv at around 11 a.m. local time, killing six civilians, including a pregnant woman, and wounding 27, the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office said on May 19.

Kharkiv Oblast Governor Oleh Syniehubov then said on May 20 that the casualties had risen to seven dead and 28 wounded after a man's body was found.

The strike took place in Mala Danylivka, roughly 70 kilometers southwest of the fiercely contested Vovchansk.

A paramedic was among the wounded, and an ambulance was damaged, he added.

In a later post on Telegram, Syniehubov said Russian forces had fired two Iskander ballistic missiles in a #double-tap strike – a common Russian tactic in which a target is struck once and then again shortly after, the second strike deliberately targeting rescue workers.

#CiviliansAttacked #WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine #DoubleTap

UPDATED: Russian 'double-tap' terrorism strike north of Kharkiv kills 7, including pregnant woman

Russian troops attacked a recreation center in a northern suburb of Kharkiv at around 11 a.m. local time, killing six civilians, including a pregnant woman, and wounding 27, the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office said on May 19.

Kharkiv Oblast Governor Oleh Syniehubov then said on May 20 that the casualties had risen to seven dead and 28 wounded after a man's body was found.

The strike took place in Mala Danylivka, roughly 70 kilometers southwest of the fiercely contested Vovchansk.

A paramedic was among the wounded, and an ambulance was damaged, he added.

In a later post on Telegram, Syniehubov said Russian forces had fired two Iskander ballistic missiles in a #double-tap strike – a common Russian tactic in which a target is struck once and then again shortly after, the second strike deliberately targeting rescue workers.

#CiviliansAttacked #WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine #DoubleTap

Trump is Putin's only hope now

Putin's one hope will remain. The #Kremlin will desperately await its savior from Mar-a-Lago – who one #Republican reportedly called “Orange Jesus.”

Whether #Trump’s return to the Oval Office really would end the ordeal that Putin created for himself is another story. For now, Russia is once again heading for failure in Ukraine.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression #StandWithUkraine

Trump is Putin's only hope now

Putin's one hope will remain. The #Kremlin will desperately await its savior from Mar-a-Lago – who one #Republican reportedly called “Orange Jesus.”

Whether #Trump’s return to the Oval Office really would end the ordeal that Putin created for himself is another story. For now, Russia is once again heading for failure in Ukraine.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression #StandWithUkraine

Over 18,000 Russian troops of Southern Military District have #deserted

According to many observers, low morale has been a recurring problem for the #Russian Armed Forces fighting in Ukraine.

Over 18,000 #soldiers of the Southern Military District have allegedly deserted in total, with around 12,000 of them belonging to the 8th Combined Arms Army – a unit often deployed in hostilities in eastern Ukraine.

Of this number, around 10,000 are mobilized conscripts and 2,000 contract soldiers

#RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine

Over 18,000 Russian troops of Southern Military District have #deserted

According to many observers, low morale has been a recurring problem for the #Russian Armed Forces fighting in Ukraine.

Over 18,000 #soldiers of the Southern Military District have allegedly deserted in total, with around 12,000 of them belonging to the 8th Combined Arms Army – a unit often deployed in hostilities in eastern Ukraine.

Of this number, around 10,000 are mobilized conscripts and 2,000 contract soldiers

#RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine

Russian politician's wife planned to adopt #kidnapped Ukrainian boy, abandoned him due to sickness

Wife of Russian politician Sergey #Mironov forcibly took a Ukrainian girl and boy from occupied #Kherson to adopt them

Both children were taken to #Moscow in September 2022, but Varlamova abandoned the boy in October 2022 when it became clear he had health issues, TSN reported.

The Ukrainian authorities have no information about where the boy is now

#Kidnappers #RussiaInvadedUkraine #HumanRights #StandWithUkraine

Russian politician's wife planned to adopt #kidnapped Ukrainian boy, abandoned him due to sickness

Wife of Russian politician Sergey #Mironov forcibly took a Ukrainian girl and boy from occupied #Kherson to adopt them

Both children were taken to #Moscow in September 2022, but Varlamova abandoned the boy in October 2022 when it became clear he had health issues, TSN reported.

The Ukrainian authorities have no information about where the boy is now

#Kidnappers #RussiaInvadedUkraine #HumanRights #StandWithUkraine

Russia planning to disrupt #GlobalPeaceSummit in Switzerland

We have precise intelligence information, specific data that Russia not only wants to disrupt the peace summit, but also has a specific plan how to do it, how to reduce the number of participating countries, how to act to ensure that there is no peace for even longer,"

Kyiv will share Russia's plans with diplomats and intelligence agencies of allied countries, according to Zelensky.

"And together we must counteract this, we must work in unity for a just #peace,”

#RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine

Russia planning to disrupt #GlobalPeaceSummit in Switzerland

We have precise intelligence information, specific data that Russia not only wants to disrupt the peace summit, but also has a specific plan how to do it, how to reduce the number of participating countries, how to act to ensure that there is no peace for even longer,"

Kyiv will share Russia's plans with diplomats and intelligence agencies of allied countries, according to Zelensky.

"And together we must counteract this, we must work in unity for a just #peace,”

#RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine

Russia’s energy infrastructure attacks are depopulating Ukraine

International human rights groups have decried Russia’s most recent attacks, calling them a violation of international humanitarian law. Meanwhile, the United Nations’ Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine said Russia’s indiscriminate attacks on Ukraine’s #energy infrastructure throughout the war may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

In addition to the military advantages afforded by decimating Ukraine’s power systems, Russia is using these attacks to de-populate Ukraine

#WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #ScorchedEarth #StandWithUkraine

Russia’s energy infrastructure attacks are depopulating Ukraine

International human rights groups have decried Russia’s most recent attacks, calling them a violation of international humanitarian law. Meanwhile, the United Nations’ Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine said Russia’s indiscriminate attacks on Ukraine’s #energy infrastructure throughout the war may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

In addition to the military advantages afforded by decimating Ukraine’s power systems, Russia is using these attacks to de-populate Ukraine

#WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #ScorchedEarth #StandWithUkraine

Ukraine destroys missile launchers, radar stations at Russian military airfield in Crimea

Ukraine's military intelligence on April 18 said that Ukrainian forces had destroyed four #S-400 launchers, three radar stations, a command post for #AirDefense operations, and air space #surveillance equipment #Fundament-M in the attack.

The total number of Russian military equipment, aircraft, and military personnel losses is still being determined, Ukraine's military intelligence said in its statement.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #Imperialism #StandWithUkraine #Crimea

Ukraine destroys missile launchers, radar stations at Russian military airfield in Crimea

Ukraine's military intelligence on April 18 said that Ukrainian forces had destroyed four #S-400 launchers, three radar stations, a command post for #AirDefense operations, and air space #surveillance equipment #Fundament-M in the attack.

The total number of Russian military equipment, aircraft, and military personnel losses is still being determined, Ukraine's military intelligence said in its statement.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #Imperialism #StandWithUkraine #Crimea

Slovak citizens raise $1.6 million for Czech ammunition initiative after government refuses to contribute

The organizers of the Slovak fundraising campaign said that they "refuse to accept" that their government did not join the initiative.

"Let's show that it's not just them who decide. We are convinced that the attitude of the government does not represent the majority of citizens. We are sure that we, the inhabitants of #Slovakia, want and know how to help," the #fundraising campaign's website says.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #ammunition #StandWithUkraine

Slovak citizens raise $1.6 million for Czech ammunition initiative after government refuses to contribute

The organizers of the Slovak fundraising campaign said that they "refuse to accept" that their government did not join the initiative.

"Let's show that it's not just them who decide. We are convinced that the attitude of the government does not represent the majority of citizens. We are sure that we, the inhabitants of #Slovakia, want and know how to help," the #fundraising campaign's website says.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #ammunition #StandWithUkraine

Ukrainian survivor of Russian torture files legal complaint in #Argentina

A Ukrainian man has filed a criminal complaint to Argentina's Federal Judiciary against the Russian occupying forces who tortured him, The Reckoning Project (TRP), an international NGO that works to bring war crime cases to court, announced on April 16.

Argentina's constitution allows for trials on "international crimes, including crimes against humanity and #WarCrimes, irrespective of where they took place," on the basis of universal jurisdiction, TRP said in a press release.

Though this case is the first time a #Ukrainian #torture complaint has been filed in Argentina, Mr M said that he is "one of so many cases."

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianTorture #StandWithUkraine

Ukrainian survivor of Russian torture files legal complaint in #Argentina

A Ukrainian man has filed a criminal complaint to Argentina's Federal Judiciary against the Russian occupying forces who tortured him, The Reckoning Project (TRP), an international NGO that works to bring war crime cases to court, announced on April 16.

Argentina's constitution allows for trials on "international crimes, including crimes against humanity and #WarCrimes, irrespective of where they took place," on the basis of universal jurisdiction, TRP said in a press release.

Though this case is the first time a #Ukrainian #torture complaint has been filed in Argentina, Mr M said that he is "one of so many cases."

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianTorture #StandWithUkraine

Russia destroyed Kyiv Oblast power plant after Ukraine ran out of air defense missiles

#Trypillia TPP was completely destroyed in a Russian strike on Ukrainian energy infrastructure on April 11, leading to the 100% loss of #Centrenergo's generating capacity.

Russia launched 11 missiles in the direction of the plant, according to Zelensky. Ukraine was able to shoot down the first seven, and four "destroyed Trypillia."

"Why? Because there were zero #missiles. We ran out of all the missiles that protected the Trypillia TPP,"

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #electricity #AirDefense #StandWithUkraine

Russia destroyed Kyiv Oblast power plant after Ukraine ran out of air defense missiles

#Trypillia TPP was completely destroyed in a Russian strike on Ukrainian energy infrastructure on April 11, leading to the 100% loss of #Centrenergo's generating capacity.

Russia launched 11 missiles in the direction of the plant, according to Zelensky. Ukraine was able to shoot down the first seven, and four "destroyed Trypillia."

"Why? Because there were zero #missiles. We ran out of all the missiles that protected the Trypillia TPP,"

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #electricity #AirDefense #StandWithUkraine

Russia fires 10 times more shells, uses 300 aircraft than Ukraine

Delays in U.S. assistance to Ukraine have already had a direct impact on the battlefield, contributing to the loss of the key front-line city of #Avdiivka. Amid the escalating situation on the eastern front, Zelensky said that "Ukraine will lose the war" if the U.S. Congress fails to approve military aid.

As Moscow intensified its attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure during the spring, the shortage of air defense systems in Ukrainian cities and villages is being felt more acutely.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression #StandWithUkraine

Russia fires 10 times more shells, uses 300 aircraft than Ukraine

Delays in U.S. assistance to Ukraine have already had a direct impact on the battlefield, contributing to the loss of the key front-line city of #Avdiivka. Amid the escalating situation on the eastern front, Zelensky said that "Ukraine will lose the war" if the U.S. Congress fails to approve military aid.

As Moscow intensified its attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure during the spring, the shortage of air defense systems in Ukrainian cities and villages is being felt more acutely.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression #StandWithUkraine

Ukrainian military intelligence denies involvement in drone explosion at #Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

"The aggressor state once again endangers the nuclear facility," Yusov said. "Russian strikes, in particular false flag strikes, on the territory of the Ukrainian #nuclear power plant, as well as the deployment of troops and weapons there and mining of ZNPP facilities, have long been a well-known and constant criminal practice."

"Russia should withdraw troops from all #ZNPP facilities, only this will allow to restore compliance with all necessary international norms and control over an important nuclear energy facility."

#FalseFlag #RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine

Ukrainian military intelligence denies involvement in drone explosion at #Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

"The aggressor state once again endangers the nuclear facility," Yusov said. "Russian strikes, in particular false flag strikes, on the territory of the Ukrainian #nuclear power plant, as well as the deployment of troops and weapons there and mining of ZNPP facilities, have long been a well-known and constant criminal practice."

"Russia should withdraw troops from all #ZNPP facilities, only this will allow to restore compliance with all necessary international norms and control over an important nuclear energy facility."

#FalseFlag #RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine

Russian soldiers kill 3 Ukrainian POWs

A video that purportedly shows Russian soldiers shooting three captured and unarmed Ukrainian servicemen in Kherson Oblast, the office announced on April 7.

The video was published on Russian Telegram channels on April 7, according to a statement by the Prosecutor General's Office released on Telegram.

Killing of POWs violates the Geneva Convention and constitutes a #WarCrime.

The description of the video states the incident took place near Krynky village in Kherson Oblast.

In the video, several shots are fired by a Russian Armed Forces member at the unarmed and unmoving Ukrainian servicemen, according to the Prosecutor General's Office's statement.

#RussianAggression #murder #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine

Russian soldiers kill 3 Ukrainian POWs

A video that purportedly shows Russian soldiers shooting three captured and unarmed Ukrainian servicemen in Kherson Oblast, the office announced on April 7.

The video was published on Russian Telegram channels on April 7, according to a statement by the Prosecutor General's Office released on Telegram.

Killing of POWs violates the Geneva Convention and constitutes a #WarCrime.

The description of the video states the incident took place near Krynky village in Kherson Oblast.

In the video, several shots are fired by a Russian Armed Forces member at the unarmed and unmoving Ukrainian servicemen, according to the Prosecutor General's Office's statement.

#RussianAggression #murder #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine

Russian use of prohibited chemical weapons has become 'systemic'

The tendency of Russian troops to use munition with prohibited chemicals grows and has become "systemic," the command of Ukraine's Support Forces reported on April 5.

Ukrainian forces recorded 371 cases of usage of munition containing prohibited chemicals over the past month, which is 90 cases more than during the previous one.

For such attacks, Russia primarily uses K-51 and RG-VO grenades, which are delivered via drones, according to the Support Forces.

#WarCrimes #RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine #ChemicalWeapons #Russia

Russian use of prohibited chemical weapons has become 'systemic'

The tendency of Russian troops to use munition with prohibited chemicals grows and has become "systemic," the command of Ukraine's Support Forces reported on April 5.

Ukrainian forces recorded 371 cases of usage of munition containing prohibited chemicals over the past month, which is 90 cases more than during the previous one.

For such attacks, Russia primarily uses K-51 and RG-VO grenades, which are delivered via drones, according to the Support Forces.

#WarCrimes #RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine #ChemicalWeapons #Russia

France to send Ukraine air defense missiles, armored vehicles

Paris will "unlock a new batch of Aster 30 missiles" for the SAMP/T MAMBA system, the French equivalent of the U.S. Patriot, in response to Ukraine's air defense shortage, Lecornu said on March 30.

"We are also developing tele-operated munitions in a very short time, to deliver them to the Ukrainians this summer," he said.

The package will also include hundreds of old but "still operational" armored vehicles.

"To hold such a large front line, the Ukrainian army needs, for example, our armored front vehicles: this is absolutely key for troop mobility,"

#RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #AirDefense #StandWithUkraine

France to send Ukraine air defense missiles, armored vehicles

Paris will "unlock a new batch of Aster 30 missiles" for the SAMP/T MAMBA system, the French equivalent of the U.S. Patriot, in response to Ukraine's air defense shortage, Lecornu said on March 30.

"We are also developing tele-operated munitions in a very short time, to deliver them to the Ukrainians this summer," he said.

The package will also include hundreds of old but "still operational" armored vehicles.

"To hold such a large front line, the Ukrainian army needs, for example, our armored front vehicles: this is absolutely key for troop mobility,"

#RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #AirDefense #StandWithUkraine

Anti-Kremlin militias' raid thwarts Russia's plans for potential new attack

The recent incursion into Russia by Russian #anti-Kremlin #militias made Moscow "change plans" on a possible new attack in Ukraine's northern sector.

Russian nationalist Denis Kapustin, the commander of the #Russian Volunteer Corps, said at a press conference on March 21 that the militias "stabilized the front" and "eased the pressure of Russian troops in certain areas."

Alexei Baranovsky, the Freedom of Russia Legion volunteer, claimed that anti-Kremlin forces had received intelligence about Russia's alleged plans to advance further into Kharkiv Oblast.

"The clashes (on Russia's territory) forced Russia to deploy additional reserves and withdraw its troops from their positions (in Ukraine) to relocate them to Belgorod Oblast," Yusov said.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression #StandWithUkraine

Anti-Kremlin militias' raid thwarts Russia's plans for potential new attack

The recent incursion into Russia by Russian #anti-Kremlin #militias made Moscow "change plans" on a possible new attack in Ukraine's northern sector.

Russian nationalist Denis Kapustin, the commander of the #Russian Volunteer Corps, said at a press conference on March 21 that the militias "stabilized the front" and "eased the pressure of Russian troops in certain areas."

Alexei Baranovsky, the Freedom of Russia Legion volunteer, claimed that anti-Kremlin forces had received intelligence about Russia's alleged plans to advance further into Kharkiv Oblast.

"The clashes (on Russia's territory) forced Russia to deploy additional reserves and withdraw its troops from their positions (in Ukraine) to relocate them to Belgorod Oblast," Yusov said.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression #StandWithUkraine

Kremlin admits Russia 'de facto' at war, calls Ukraine 'occupying force'

In an unexpected admission, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said on March 22 that Russia is in a "state of war" in an interview with the Russian state-owned media outlet Arguments and Facts.

Peskov later clarified his words, saying that "de jure" it remained a "military operation," but "de facto" had become a #war.

Russia refuses to refer to its war against Ukraine as a war, referring to it instead as a "special military operation" for #propaganda purposes and to downplay its actions for both domestic and international audiences. Russia's choice of wording plays a key part in the framing of its full-scale war.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussiaUkraineWar #StandWithUkraine

Kremlin admits Russia 'de facto' at war, calls Ukraine 'occupying force'

In an unexpected admission, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said on March 22 that Russia is in a "state of war" in an interview with the Russian state-owned media outlet Arguments and Facts.

Peskov later clarified his words, saying that "de jure" it remained a "military operation," but "de facto" had become a #war.

Russia refuses to refer to its war against Ukraine as a war, referring to it instead as a "special military operation" for #propaganda purposes and to downplay its actions for both domestic and international audiences. Russia's choice of wording plays a key part in the framing of its full-scale war.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussiaUkraineWar #StandWithUkraine

Documentary - Destroy, in Whole or in Part

In this documentary, its author, investigative reporter Danylo Mokryk explores whether there is #genocidal intent in the actions of the Russian military and officials, as well as in Russian state propaganda.

He interviews several scholars whose views oppose one another. William A. Schabas, one of the most renowned scholars in the field, is a skeptic. Eugene Finkel has written an opinion piece stating that the Russian invasion was genocide back in 2022. Dmytro Koval emphasizes that one cannot fully understand Russia’s war in Ukraine if one doesn’t call it #genocide

It also features survivors and witnesses of Russian war crimes: a widow of a man killed in Bucha; a twin sister of a woman murdered in Skadovsk; a kid who had been deported to Crimea, and witnessed an attempt to russify Ukrainian children; and two people who had been detained during the occupation of Kherson

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression #StandWithUkraine

Documentary - Destroy, in Whole or in Part

In this documentary, its author, investigative reporter Danylo Mokryk explores whether there is #genocidal intent in the actions of the Russian military and officials, as well as in Russian state propaganda.

He interviews several scholars whose views oppose one another. William A. Schabas, one of the most renowned scholars in the field, is a skeptic. Eugene Finkel has written an opinion piece stating that the Russian invasion was genocide back in 2022. Dmytro Koval emphasizes that one cannot fully understand Russia’s war in Ukraine if one doesn’t call it #genocide

It also features survivors and witnesses of Russian war crimes: a widow of a man killed in Bucha; a twin sister of a woman murdered in Skadovsk; a kid who had been deported to Crimea, and witnessed an attempt to russify Ukrainian children; and two people who had been detained during the occupation of Kherson

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression #StandWithUkraine

Russia’s rising chemical weapons use in Ukraine

Earlier this month, the Ukrainian military claimed that Russia has used chemical weapons 1,068 times since its full-scale invasion of Ukraine began two years ago. This includes allegations that Russia used #chloroacetophenone, a chemical comparable to tear gas but with higher toxicity.

A Russian commander even openly bragged about using chemical weapons last year.

The usage of these chemicals on the battlefield is "unquestionably" illegal, said Brett Edwards, who specializes in chemical weapons issues and lectures at the University of Bath. It goes against the #ChemicalWeapons Convention, to which Russia is a signatory.

#WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine

Russia’s rising chemical weapons use in Ukraine

Earlier this month, the Ukrainian military claimed that Russia has used chemical weapons 1,068 times since its full-scale invasion of Ukraine began two years ago. This includes allegations that Russia used #chloroacetophenone, a chemical comparable to tear gas but with higher toxicity.

A Russian commander even openly bragged about using chemical weapons last year.

The usage of these chemicals on the battlefield is "unquestionably" illegal, said Brett Edwards, who specializes in chemical weapons issues and lectures at the University of Bath. It goes against the #ChemicalWeapons Convention, to which Russia is a signatory.

#WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine

Editorial: Today's Russia is fascist. It’s time to start calling it that

We went and killed everyone. There were women, men, seniors, and children.”

These were the words of Azamat Uldarov, an ex-fighter of Russia’s Wagner mercenary group who personally admitted to shooting dead a five or six-year-old girl, speaking to Russian independent outlet Uldarov, together with ex-Wagner commander Aleksei Savichev, both described being given and carrying out orders to “clean” entire buildings or areas in Donetsk Oblast of civilians by murdering them all.

The confessions came out on the back of a video of Russian troops, later reported as also belonging to Wagner, beheading a Ukrainian prisoner-of-war with a knife.

No, this is not a fever dream, this is fascist Russia in 2023.

#RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianWarCrimes #PutinWarCriminal #WagnerGroup #murder #confessions #children #civilians #CrimesAgainstHumanity #kidnapping #executions #StandWithUkraine

Editorial: Today's Russia is fascist. It’s time to start calling it that

We went and killed everyone. There were women, men, seniors, and children.”

These were the words of Azamat Uldarov, an ex-fighter of Russia’s Wagner mercenary group who personally admitted to shooting dead a five or six-year-old girl, speaking to Russian independent outlet Uldarov, together with ex-Wagner commander Aleksei Savichev, both described being given and carrying out orders to “clean” entire buildings or areas in Donetsk Oblast of civilians by murdering them all.

The confessions came out on the back of a video of Russian troops, later reported as also belonging to Wagner, beheading a Ukrainian prisoner-of-war with a knife.

No, this is not a fever dream, this is fascist Russia in 2023.

#RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianWarCrimes #PutinWarCriminal #WagnerGroup #murder #confessions #children #civilians #CrimesAgainstHumanity #kidnapping #executions #StandWithUkraine

Russia’s abduction of Ukrainian children is an established genocidal tactic during war

Russia’s forceful displacement of Ukrainians is a centuries-tested practice of conquest.

Von Guttner Sporzynski highlights that the tradition of abduction and forced displacement of the non-conformist population is deeply rooted in Russia’s history.

He starts from the 16th century, when the first deportations of citizens of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania started, then follows to 19th -century Poland, where around 60,000 people were deported following two anti-Russian rebellions, and ends with the 20th century:

“It is estimated that between 1936 and 1952 at _least three million people were deported across the western territories of Soviet Russia and transported thousands of kilometres away to Siberia and Central Asia.”_ Von Guttner Sporzynski concludes that the children who get abducted today from Ukraine may not find their way back home after the war ends.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianWarCrimes #PutinWarCriminal #children #Ukraine #deportation #abducted #ChildAbuse #RussiaAggression #Russia #kidnapping #RussianKidnappers #genocide #genocidal #StandWithUkraine

Russia’s abduction of Ukrainian children is an established genocidal tactic during war

Russia’s forceful displacement of Ukrainians is a centuries-tested practice of conquest.

Von Guttner Sporzynski highlights that the tradition of abduction and forced displacement of the non-conformist population is deeply rooted in Russia’s history.

He starts from the 16th century, when the first deportations of citizens of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania started, then follows to 19th -century Poland, where around 60,000 people were deported following two anti-Russian rebellions, and ends with the 20th century:

“It is estimated that between 1936 and 1952 at _least three million people were deported across the western territories of Soviet Russia and transported thousands of kilometres away to Siberia and Central Asia.”_ Von Guttner Sporzynski concludes that the children who get abducted today from Ukraine may not find their way back home after the war ends.

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